The Site

The Site would house 167 sets 4 unit containerised batteries, three small control rooms, three transformers, and a substation complex. Most infrastructure will be below 3 metres high, with the highest busbars and parts of the power transformers reaching up to 12m. Remaining space will be used to provide a significant biodiversity net gain (BNG). The BNG area will be designed with input from RSPB and Buglife, with whom we work in partnership.

There would be no moving parts, no permanent lighting, and while we don’t anticipate the Site to be audible from local properties, the application will be accompanied by a full Noise Impact Assessment.

The infrastructure would be secured by perimeter fencing and inward-facing CCTV would be monitored 24 hours a day. The biodiversity enhancement areas would be outside the fence, providing a wild buffer area.

Construction would take place quickly as the units arrive at the Site pre-fabriacted. Any construction noise would be temporary, short term, and limited in extent. All construction deliveries and access would be via the primary access leading from Carr Lane.

Following the construction of the project, vehicle movements to and from the Site are expected to be limited to occasional maintenance visits, not anticipated to exceed one or two per month with a standard 4x4 or small commercial vehicle. All operational access will also be via the primary access leading from Carr Lane. An emergency access leading from Cross Road will only be used for emergency access, meaning the appearance of the road will reflect a more natural look.

During the proposed occupation of this Site, the land would be managed in accordance with appropriate health and safety best practice. The separate battery containers are anticipated to be of steel construction, and each would include independently monitored fire detection and suppression systems.

Current Site Plan

CGI example of what the Site could look like, with the consented Solar Farm in the background.