About BESS
BESS stands for Battery Energy Storage System. Its role is to provide an energy storage facility as part on the UK’s strategy to decarbonise and to help transition to a low carbon grid. It would improve the reliability and stability of our energy network, through safeguarding our energy supply and helping balance the local network to prevent any unforeseen future outages.
The type of BESS system proposed would import electrical power during periods of oversupply from renewable generators and at low demand times, which would otherwise be wasted. This power is subsequently exported back into the grid during periods of high demand, or low generation, offsetting the need to transport energy across country or having to rely on fossil fuels.
This proposed BESS would deliver significant carbon savings, helping to decarbonise the UK electricity grid in line with UK Government targets.
The importance of energy storage is further emphasised by the UK Government passing the Energy Bill (2022) which now acknowledges energy storage as a generation asset which will ultimately contribute to the safety and resilience of the UK’s energy system.