Why Here

Why we chose this site:

As the National Grid transitions to a greener, cleaner system, modern substations, along with renewable power systems, up and down the country will require BESS systems like this one. This Site has been chosen primarily due to available network capacity, as well as it being well screened from surrounding villages.

Other factors that make this site suitable for BESS are:

  • Largely 3b (lower quality) land, as indicated by an ALC grading survey

  • Naturally well screened through roadside hedges and natural topography

  • No anticipated impact on existing trees or hedgerows

  • Public rights of way will not be affected

  • Avoids greenbelt

  • Not located in or adjacent to any ecological or landscape designations

  • Entirely within flood zone 1 (lowest risk)

  • Over 3km from any ancient woodland

  • Would not affect any heritage assets

While we are confident that this is an appropriate location, our planning application will be accompanied with a robust suite of surveys and reports, which is likely to include:

  • Planning, Design and Access Statement

  • Planning Application Drawings

  • Landscape and Visual Appraisal

  • Heritage Desk Based Assessment

  • Flood Risk Assessment / Drainage Strategy

  • Ecological Impact Assessment

  • Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment and associated DEFRA metric

  • Noise Impact Assessment

  • Transport Statement and Construction Traffic Management Plan

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment

  • Fire Safety Strategy Report

  • ALC Report

  • Statement of Pre-Application Community Involvement

  • Geophysics Report

  • Visualisations

What North Lincolnshire Council say:

North Lincolnshire is (…) in a unique position to be at the heart of the growing low carbon and green economy - a renewable energy capital.

The Local Development Framework [provides] a policy framework that supports the reduction in the consumption of non-renewable resources. This includes fossil fuels, land, soil and minerals.

[…]activities around the globe are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ that are entering the atmosphere, which is leading to global warming and climate change. North Lincolnshire must take steps to reduce the cause of carbon dioxide and make plans to respond to its effects (sea level rise and flood risk).

The key issue for the [Local Development Framework] is how it reconciles the need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas by generating energy from renewable resources with the need to protect and enhance our landscapes and minimise their impact on communities.

The overall aim of reducing North Lincolnshire’s carbon footprint can be achieved in part by the promotion of renewable energy generation and low carbon energy, including it wherever possible, and by maximising improvements to energy efficiency to meet the appropriate energy efficient standards for the region.

Praise for Lightrock:

The team at Lightrock are a real example of how businesses can be allies for nature, tackling the biodiversity and climate crises head-on.  Together, we will work to design nature-friendly solar farms that not only generate clean energy but also create vital habitats for wildlife, offering key conservation opportunities for priority species.  We are very excited to be partnering with them and finding ways we can work together to revive our world.

- Charlotte Martin-Taylor, RSPB

I like the company, if someone is going to install this, I think they would be best placed - they are young, ‘green’ and have links to wildlife projects.

-Member of the community at a recent BESS project

[Lightrock] are ticking all the right boxes, and what [they] are doing is wonderful.

- Parish Councillor at a previous BESS project

Sweetbriar Farm

Flat, open land

Current reports indicate that the soil is largely 3b, therefore not Best and Most Versatile land

Existing access track

Trees and hedges will be maintained

Scope to improve hedgerows

Existing electrical infrastructure